"Traditional application resources consist of binary chunks of data, typically representing things such as icons, bitmaps, strings, and XML. In fact, the .NET framework provides
generic support for these through the ResourceManager class.WPF is no different—binary resources play an important role in a typical application.However, WPF goes a lot further with another kind of resource: logical resources.These are objects, any objects, which can be shared and used in a multitude of locationsthroughout the application; they can even be accessed across assemblies. Someof WPF's features, such as implicit (automatic) styles and type-based data templates,rely on the logical resources system."传统的资源一般是指大块的二进制资源,典型的如图片、xml文件等,.NET提供了ResourceManager类来管理这些资源。而WPF引进了另一种形式的资源-logical resources(逻辑资源),它可以是任何需要共享的对象。WPF的许多特性也都依赖逻辑资源系统。
“These objects are typically placed inside a
ResourceDictionary and located at runtime using a hierarchical search.”下面通过一个例子,说明为什么需要logical resource、如何在XAML中及Code behind file中访问logical resource。
1.为什么需要Logical Resource?
Logical resource能够解决这个问题。2.定义logical resource
a.“Every element (deriving from FrameworkElement) has a Resources property of typeResourceDictionary. This means that every element can have resources associated withit.”每个element都有Resources属性。
b.“The Resources property is a dictionary.In XAML, the x:Key attribute must be specified (most of the time; exceptions to this rule
will be discussed in relation to styles and data templates).”在XAML中x:key必须声明,style和data templates有些例外(x:Type)。
添加完成后,我们可以在XAML中通过StaticResource(后面介绍DynamicResource)这个markup extension,很方便的使用这个logical resource
4.在Code Behind File中使用
方法a:通过FrameworkElement.FindResource ,此方法在找不到的时候放回null,因此最好加个null判断。
Brush brush1 = (Brush)ellipse2.FindResource("brush1");if (brush1 != null){ ellipse2.Fill = brush1;}
Brush brush = (Brush)this.Resources["brush1"];
5.Logical Resource是如何匹配的?
“This causes a search from the current element (the Rectangle) up the element tree, looking
for a resource with the key brush1; if found, its associated object is used as the property'svalue. If not found on any element up to the root Window, the search continues within theresources of Application (typically located in the App.xaml file). If not found even there,a runtime exception is thrown. This is depicted in the following diagram:”附:完整的XAML和Code Behind File如下:
using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Threading.Tasks;using System.Windows;using System.Windows.Controls;using System.Windows.Data;using System.Windows.Documents;using System.Windows.Input;using System.Windows.Media;using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;using System.Windows.Navigation;using System.Windows.Shapes;namespace UsingLogicalResources{ ////// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml /// public partial class MainWindow : Window { public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); //Brush brush1=(Brush)this.Resources["brush1"]; Brush brush1 = (Brush)ellipse2.FindResource("brush1"); if (brush1 != null) { ellipse2.Fill = brush1; } } }}